Work for home (work from 17.10.22 to be done 18.10.22)

Early Bird – Mixture of addition and subtraction questions.

Please check the symbols carefully!









Using the pictures below, tell someone at home what you can do in Knaresborough.

Can you write a paragraph explaining what you can do in our local area?

History: Look online with someone at home. Can you find out 5 facts about Blind Jack?

14.10.22 Work for home if absent

Early Bird – Word Problems

  1. Miss Place has 5 sweets. Marley has 3 sweets. How many sweets do they have altogether?

2. Joe has a turtle. Lily has 9 turtles. How many turtles do they have altogether?


Can you make up your own addition word problems?



Look at the file below. Where would you add the following?



Knaresborough Castle

Knaresborough Castle Museum

Can you draw them where they would go?

Next, have a go at answering the sheet below using the different sources!


Maths – Adding and subtracting

Using the number line to help you. Have a go at the questions below!

English – Can you use what you have learnt about Knaresborough to act out an advert to encourage people to visit our area?

You could talk about:

Mother Shipton

Blind Jack


Petrifying Well

Market Square


Work to complete if absent 12.10.22

Early Bird

50-10 =

70 + 20 =

80 – 30 =

20 + 40 =

10 + 10 =

60 + 20 =

20 + 60 =


20 + __ = 40

10 + __ = 80

50 + __ = 70


Fact Families – Watch the video and then have a go at the questions below.


Can you edit the writing below?

Check the use of capital letters, full stops and the spelling!


Talk with people at home about the answers to the questions on the worksheet. Can you use the word bank words to guide your thinking and include them in your answers?

Perhaps you could look up some of the places using Google Maps or Google Street View!

Welcome Year 2!

I am so excited for the start of our new school year. We have so many fun things planned as part of the Big Idea topic: ‘I am part of my community’. We will be learning about what it means to belong, Blind Jack and important geographical features in Knaresborough.

Bring on a fantastic year!

Working from home 19.07.22

Early Bird


English – Reading Comprehension


Remember or find out…

Name the three men who took part in the Apollo 11 mission

Which man did not step foot on the moon? Why?

When did the Apollo 11 mission land on the moon?

Why is the Apollo 11 mission important to us today?

Working from home 18.07.22

Early Bird


In maths we are learning about L and ml

Measure the L and ml in the questions below.


Can you write a character description for the image below? Remember to use plenty of adjectives!
Challenge: Can you include ‘Also’, ‘Furthermore’ and ‘As well’ at the start of some of your sentences to help your writing to flow better?

See the source image


Low-energy yoga video

Frozen | A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure! – YouTube

Summer 2 Big Idea

I can’t believe it is the final half term already! Despite us being very busy, this year seems to have flown by! We have lots going on this half term to celebrate our Big Idea topic: ‘Born to Perform’.

We have music sessions with Mrs Pringle where we will be exploring space, we will be visiting Scarborough as part of our Geography work, and we will be finishing our year with the return of ‘Culture Week’.

How exciting!

Please see attached this half term’s newsletters.

Take care,

Miss Place