Work for 30.09.20

Early Bird

We began working in our own Early Bird books today. Our presentation was fantastic!


We thought about what makes a good friend. We wrote and drew some things that make us a good friend on a break time, a lunch time and in class. We had some great ideas… from playing animal games to helping our friends when they fall over.


We were counting in 3s today in maths. We reminded ourselves of countng in twos (the idea of ‘lots of’). We are starting to get the hang of it now!


Today, we started to publish our writing using the text we sent to Miss Jenkins recommending our class book, ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’.

Outside Learning

We practised asking questions, linking to our collect phase in English to work in teams to find the hidden toy!

Work for 29.09.20

Early Bird Maths


We looked at counting in 2s. We had a very practical lesson. We learnt the idea that 0 x 2 means 0 lots of 2, 1 x 2 means 1 lot of 2 and so on. We got out the base ten ones and proved different calculations.


Warm up: Different sharp, short movements around the space. E.g. running, jogging, jumping, hopping, galloping.

Musical cones: Children run around the area. Cones are randomly placed. When the adult shouts ‘stop’, children run to a cone (one person per cone). There may not be enough cones for everyone! Challenge: Run to a specific coloured cone.

Dribbling: In pairs, children dribble around the space. Challenge: Dribble the ball through ‘gates’ made from cones.

Practise passing the ball. Challenge: In your pair, pass the ball through the ‘gates’ (cones).

Competition/Game: How many gates (cones) can you and your partner pass the ball through in four minutes?


We spoke about relationships. Different relationships you can have and what makes a good relationship.
We wrote and drew what makes a happy home in our eyes.


We looked at the blurb of ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’. We spoke about how we could improve it by adding adjectives (including our ‘special six’. We added post-it notes to it to show what we thought.

Work for 25.09.20

Early Bird Maths



In English, we re-read ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’. We thought about what we liked about the ending of the story. We then thought of alternative endings we may have preferred. On Monday, we will record our ideas.


Reading for Pleasure

Choose a book, chill and enjoy!

Big Idea (Science) – We predicted what would happen when we put a clean slice of bread in a plastic bag and an unclean slice of bread in a plastic bag and left it there. We compared this to washing our hands to keep us safe as opposed to not washing our hands. We wonder what will happen over time!

Work for 24.09.20

Early Bird Maths


Forest Schools

In Forest schools, we looked for various things outside. We linked this to our work for Big Idea in the afternoon. What could we find that was alive, dead or had never been alive?

Big Idea

For out Big Idea (Healthy Mind, Healthy Body, Healthy Me), we talked about how living things stay healthy (and what they need to live). We played a game with pictures and hoops and put the correct image in the correct hoop; identifying whether it was alive, dead or had never been alive.

We then completed some work for our ‘Big Idea’ book in our neatest handwriting. We labelled the differences between a cat (alive) and a metal chair (never been alive).

22.09.20 What we did!



P.E. today was fill of fun football tips and skills. In pairs, we dribbled the ball through doors made of cones and then progressed as far as to pass the balls through the cone doors to our partners. At the end, we had a competition to see which pair could pass the most balls through the doors. It was great fun!

Big Idea

We finished our lighthouse collages. THEY LOOK AMAZING! Here is one of our pieces… isn’t it fabulous?!

‘The Lighthouse’ inspired by ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’ by Ronda and David Armitage


In Phonics today we revised the /ey/ grapheme. We read it lots of times in different words and used our robot arms and blending hands to help us.

We read funny sentences together that contained the /ey/ sound.

We then practised writing the sound by looking at the pictures (2nd slide).

Extension: Can you write the sentences on the third slide by filling in the picture gaps?

Work for 18.09.20

Early Bird



Miss Jenkins is looking for a book to read to the Year Ones! Let’s recommend ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’. Why would you recommend it? Please write why and let me know… I will text her with my favourite reason!


Whole Class Reading

Read a book of your choice. Can you talk about your favourite part of the book with someone at home?

Big Idea: (Art focus) Use the step-by-step guide to draw a pesky seagull!

Work for 17.09.20

Early Bird



Read the review. Look at the words highlighted and discuss them with someone at home. Can you think of any synonyms (words that mean the same) for these words? Can you use each synonym in a sentence?


Whole Class Reading: Watch ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’ on YouTube. Discuss your favourite part and why with someone at home. List 6 words that you really like from the book. What do they mean?

Big Idea: Watch – Discuss with someone at home whether you think that you have a healthy diet and why. Write down the kind of foods you have for each meal and draw them.