Work for 24.11.20

Early Bird Phonics


We found the front page of a newspaper today. It was all torn up but it was about a pilot who had gone missing! A female pilot. We looked at pictures from the front page. We predicted what the article might be about. Can you write some sentences predicting what you think the article may have been about? Use the pictures from the article below.



Big Idea

We have practised how to draw eyes in class. Now, we need to learn how to shade. Sometimes, we press hard on the paper to make the shading darker. Other times, we hardly press at all. This will make the colour lighter.

When shading, we always shade in straight lnes so that our shading is neat.

Can you shade circles? Practise shading in straight lines and practise varying the pressure of your pencil.

Nativity Practise

Practise your lines for the nativity.

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